Rot-Weiß Oberhausen – Rot-Weiss Essen match photos 27/03/2021

Elfmeter Sven Kreyer Rot-Weiß Oberhausen vs. RWE 27-03-2021

Selected match photos of the match between Rot-Weiß Oberhausen and Rot-Weiss Essen on 27 March 2021 at the Niederrheinstadion (stadium) in Oberhausen. The match took place as part of the 32st matchday of the Regionalliga West of the 2020/2021 season. The final score of the Derby between RWEO and RWE was 1:1 with goals from Simon Engelmann (RWE) and Sven Kreyer (RWO). No spectators were allowed due to the Corona Pandemic. The photos include match scenes, players and coaches.

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