SGS Essen vs. TSG Hoffenheim Photos 23.10.2022

SGS Essen vs. TSG Hoffenheim Fotos 23.10.2022

Selected photos from the football match SGS Essen vs TSG Hoffenheum. 5th matchday of the Women’s Bundesliga season 2022/2023 at Stadion an der Hafenstraße in Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia / Germany) on 23 October 2022. Final score of the match was 2:3 in front of 1,402 spectators.

The goals for TSG Hoffenheim were scored by: Julia Hickelsberger (4th minute), Ereleta Memeti (45th minute), Gia Corley (10th minute).
The goals for SGS Essen were scored by: Katharina Piljic (15th minute), Maike Berentzen 63rd minute.

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