Top Girls Fassa Bortolo is a women’s cycling team founded in 2005 that competes in elite road cycling events such as the UCI Women’s World Tour.
In the 2022 season, the following female cyclists raced for Top Girls Fassa Bortolo: BARIANI Giorgia, BORTOLI Virginia, GUDERZO Tatiana, MARTURANO Greta, MICHIELETTO Vanessa, MONTICOLO Iris, PALAZZI Alice, SILVESTRI Debora, TONETTI Cristina, VETTORELLO Giorgia, VIGILIA Alessia
We have many images of the Top Girls Fassa Bortolo team from various events in 2022, here is a random selection of 20 images. In our image database you will find all high-resolution photos of the team to order, download and use directly. To see all the images, click on the button.