Team DSM (DSM) is a women’s cycling team from the Netherlands, founded in 2012, which competes in elite road cycling events such as the UCI Women’s World Tour.
The following women cyclists raced for Team DSM in the 2022 season: Francesca Barale, Léa Curinier, Pfeiffer Georgi, Megan Jastrab, Leah Kirchmann, Franziska Koch, Charlotte Kool, Juliette Labous, Liane Lippert, Floortje Mackaij, Esmée Peperkamp, Elise Uijen, Lorena Wiebes.
We have a lot of pictures from Team DSM from different events in 2022. Here you find a random selection of 20 pictures. In our image database you will find all high-resolution photos of the team for direct ordering, downloading and use. To see all the images, click on the button.